Initially reported to debian
(, redirected here:

With AMD Opteron 6xxx processors, half of the memory controllers are
missing from /sys/devices/system/edac/mc
Checked with single 6120 (dual memory controller) and twin 6344 (2x dual
MC), other dual-module CPUs might be affected too.

Booting plain Linux (3.2, 3.16, 4.1, 4.3), all memory controllers are
listed under /sys/devices/system/edac/mc as expected. Same happens, when
Xen 4.1 is used: all MCs present.

Starting with Xen 4.4 (Debian Jessie), only mc1 (on the single CPU
machine) or mc2/mc3 (dual CPU machine) are present, although the full
system memory is accessible. Checked versions were 4.1.4 (Debian
Wheezy), 4.4.1 (Jessie) and 4.6.0 (Sid)

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