On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Andrew Cooper
<andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
> the DMLite boot
> protocol is OS agnostic, and will be staying that way.

What's the DMLite boot protocol? Is that the protocol that is defined
by Xen to boot Xen guests and dom0? Is this well documented somewhere?

To be clear are you saying that by no means will Xen change to instead
of setting a, say zero-page, it would just want to always stuff a xen
struct, pass that to the boot entry, and then expect always the guest
kernel to always parse this?

If true, then by no means, no matter how hard we try, and no matter
what we do on the Linux front to help clean things up will we be able
to have a unified bare metal / Xen entry. I'm noting it could be
possible though provided we do just set the zero page, the subarch to
Xen and subarch_data to the Xen custom data structure.


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