Hi, List,

Currently after switch from TightVNC to TigerVNC, found a key-press issue
in XEN pv guest, after investigation by myself, didn't find root cause yet,
could anyone help to have a look or have some idea?

Following is a description of the issue and some investigation result:

In Xen pv guest text mode, when press a key for long time, it's expected to
show the key repeately, but actual result is it only shows one. (e.g, press
 'p' for long time, should show 'ppppp', but actually it just show 'p').
When using TightVNC, it has no problem.
After investigation:
1. TightVNC send "keydown, keyup, keydown, keyup" in this case,
has no problem in result.
2. TigerVNC send "keydown, keydown, keydown, keyup" in this case,
will have problem.
3. In Xen HVM guest text mode, also with TigerVNC, but has no problem.
4. In debugging, I set breakpoint at qemu ps2.c ps2_put_keycode for
comparison with pv guest code path (qemu hw/display/xenfb.c:
xenfb_kbd_event), however, after set breakpoint, on HVM guest,
it also has problem, only shown one 'p'.

I checked kernel code drivers/xen/fbfront/xenkbd.c and traced down,
but couldn't see where is the problem.

Any ideas?


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