On 18/07/2016 15:36, "Ian Jackson" <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:

>Lars Kurth writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] xenbits "official" repo for XTF (was
>Re: [PATCH 0/2] xtf: add launcher (+1 bugfix)"):
>> On 15/07/2016 11:21, "Ian Jackson" <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
>> >Lars, you haven't specified the pathname for this.  I assume that it
>> >would be `xtf', to correspond to the toplevel fit repo.
>> I don't have a strong opinion. It doesn't really fit into any of the
>> categories on http://xenbits.xen.org/docs, maybe with the exception of
>> Misc. 
>> Or we could create a new directory under docs that contains testing,
>> build, related stuff
>Can you please clarify whether you meant:
> 1. "Please go ahead with the git repo changes but I object to
>    your suggested docs directories"

> 2. "Please go ahead with the git repo changes and the change to the
>    osstest docs but I object to your suggested name for the docs
>    directory for XTF."

Definitely go ahead with the git repo.

I don't object to a new xtf directory in the docs root per se. I mainly
object to how the documents are presented in

As far as I understand, the docs directory structure maps onto headline
categories in http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable. Is this correct? If
not, feel free to go ahead and create the directories, as presumably we
can easily change headline categories that appear in
http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable later, without having to move files

I would only object to creating a new docs/xtf directory,
- iff directory structure is exposed in the web index in
http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable are linked, and
- iff there is only one document in this directory now, and
- iff this will likely be the case in future.
And I would have the same concern for osstest. If there are several
documents already in each, then go ahead and create them.

If there is a link between directory structure and web index, my preferred
alternative to creating the two separate directories would be to group all
the test related documents into a docs/testing directory.

It would be helpful to users and newcomers if all test related documents
could be found under a Testing headline in


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