>>> On 04.08.16 at 13:21, <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
> What we cannot do is audit every HVMCTL, fix the class 2 problems, and
> then declare HVMCTL to have the relevant security property, and
> implement corresponding code in dom0's privcmd drivers which relies on
> the security property.  This is because the dom0 privcmd driver
> doesn't know whether the HVMCTLs it is allowing not-fully-trusted
> userspace to make are actually trustworthy (with the specific
> hypervisor version in question.)

I continue to not really understand this argumentation: Dom0's
privcmd driver doesn't really matter here. If there's a bug in
something qemu uses, this is a problem no matter whether that
operation gets called though the to-be-added privcmd logic, or
straight from a stubdom qemu. Both are less than fully privileged.
What do I continue to be missing?


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