On Tuesday, 2 January 2018 11:54:43 PM AEDT Lars Kurth wrote:
> Hi Juergen:
> thank you for raising this. As far as I can tell, the switch to the
> 6-monthly release model has had some consequences, some of which were
> predicted, others were not. So, I think we should probably review the
> decision. 
> Key concerns raised:
> • Too much work in actively maintaining 4 branches (6 security branches)
> • Impact on users (too many releases)
> • I think we are definitely incurring higher overheads than with longer
> cycles
 • It is not clear to me whether one of the key benefits – aka
> vendors getting patches into tree more easily – has in fact materialized •
> Better release predictability has materialized
> Maybe the right approach would be to kick off some kind of survey to gather
> input from different stake-holders and maybe plan 4.11 for June. If there
> is a consensus for a change to say a year cadence, we probably wouldn’t
> execute this until 4.12 anyway. 

I would like to propose for consideration:

* 12 months between major releases (x.y)
* 3 or 4 months between point releases (x.y.z)

This way, we roll up all XSAs etc into a x.y.z release on a regular basis - 
which I believe would make the security teams job easier (let me know if I'm 
wrong with this?).

Then aim to release x.y+1 (or maybe x+1?) in, say, June each year.

I'm not sure if there has been a set time frame as a goal for x.y.z releases - 
from my not so close observations, they seem to be somewhat adhoc.

As always though - more than happy to get feedback / comments on the above.

Steven Haigh

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