>>> On 28.02.18 at 12:20, <roger....@citrix.com> wrote:
> I've been giving some thought to this, and I cannot find a good
> solution. So far the less worse one would be:
>     +--------------+  YES  +---------+
>     |Is broken set?|------>|No action|
>     +--------------+       +---------+
>          |
>          | NO
>        |
>     +----v----+   SUCCESS  +---------------------------------+
>     |map/unmap+------------>Change decoding or ROM enable bit|
>     +----+----+            +---------------------------------+
>          |
>          |FAILURE
>          |
> +--------v----------------+
> |Clear memory decoding bit|
> |Set broken               |
> +-------------------------+
> Let me know what you think of this.

Looks reasonable, maybe with "set broken" replaced by "set
broken if Dom0, else remove device from domain". This at least
partly depends on how recovery from "broken" would look like,
i.e. whether that would be applicable (and safe) for a DomU as


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