
On 23/11/2021 16:44, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:
On 23.11.21 18:05, Julien Grall wrote:
Hi Oleksandr,

On 23/11/2021 06:31, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:

On 22.11.21 19:17, Julien Grall wrote:

On 22/11/2021 16:23, Oleksandr Andrushchenko wrote:
On 22.11.21 17:29, Julien Grall wrote:
I would prefer to go with my way. This can be refined in the future if we find 
Device-Tree that matches what you wrote.
Ok, so just to make it clear:
    >a PCI device would always be described as a child of the hostbridges. So I would 
rework the 'if' to also check if the parent type is not "pci"

That's correct. Thank you!
Ok, so how about
       if ( is_pci_passthrough_enabled() && dt_device_type_is_equal(node, 
"pci") )
           bool skip = false;

            * If the parent is also a "pci" device, then "linux,pci-domain"
            * should already be there, so nothing to do then.

This comment is a bit confusing.
Do you have something on your mind?

Yes, explain that we only want to cover hostbridge (see my reply on the previous answer).

I think what matter if the parent is a "pci" device, then the current node must 
not be a hostbridge. So we can skip it.
By skipping you only mean we do not need to add/assign "linux,pci-domain", 



           if ( node->parent && dt_device_type_is_equal(node->parent, "pci") )
               skip = true;

           if ( !skip && !dt_find_property(node, "linux,pci-domain", NULL) )
I played with a single if and it looks scary...

... how about introducing an helper that will return true if this node is 
likely an hostbridge?
This is yet a single use of such a check: why would we need a helper and what 
would that
helper do?

I like splitting code in multiple functions even if they are only called once because this:
  1) keeps the functions line count small
  2) easier to understand what is the purpose of the check

In fact, I would actually move the handling for "linux,pci-domain" in a separate helper. Something like:

 * When PCI passthrough is available we want to keep the
 * "linux,pci-domain" in sync for every hostbridge.
 * Xen may not have a driver for all the hostbridges. So we have
 * to write an heuristic to detect whether a device node describes
 * an hostbridge.
 * The current heuristic assumes that a device is an hostbridge
 * if the type is "pci" and then parent type is not "pci".
static int handle_linux_pci_domain(struct dt_device *node)
        if ( !is_pci_passthrough_enabled() )
          return 0;

        if ( !dt_device_type_is_equal(node, "pci") )
          return 0;

        if ( node->parent && dt_device_type_is_equal(node->parent) )
          return 0;

        if ( dt_find_property(node, "linux,pci-domain", NULL )
          return 0;

        /* Allocate and create the linux,pci-domain */


Julien Grall

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