On 23.01.2023 12:50, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 20/01/2023 2:59 pm, Oleksii Kurochko wrote:
>> +        csrr    t0, CSR_SEPC
>> +        REG_S   t0, RISCV_CPU_USER_REGS_OFFSET(sepc)(sp)
>> +        csrr    t0, CSR_SSTATUS
>> +        REG_S   t0, RISCV_CPU_USER_REGS_OFFSET(sstatus)(sp)
> So something I've noticed about CSRs through this series.
> The C CSR macros are set up to use real CSR names, but the CSR_*
> constants used in C and ASM are raw numbers.
> If we're using raw numbers, then the C CSR accessors should be static
> inlines instead, but the advantage of using names is the toolchain can
> issue an error when we reference a CSR not supported by the current
> extensions.

That's a default-off diagnostic iirc, so we'd gain something here only
when explicitly turning that on as well.


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