On 10/12/2018 03:19 PM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 12.10.18 at 15:55, <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> On 11/09/18 14:10, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>> Emulation requiring device model assistance uses a form of instruction
>>> re-execution, assuming that the second (and any further) pass takes
>>> exactly the same path. This is a valid assumption as far as use of CPU
>>> registers goes (as those can't change without any other instruction
>>> executing in between), but is wrong for memory accesses. In particular
>>> it has been observed that Windows might page out buffers underneath
>>> an instruction currently under emulation (hitting between two passes).
>>> If the first pass translated a linear address successfully, any subsequent
>>> pass needs to do so too, yielding the exact same translation.
>>> Introduce a cache (used just by guest page table accesses for now, i.e.
>>> a form of "paging structure cache") to make sure above described
>>> assumption holds. This is a very simplistic implementation for now: Only
>>> exact matches are satisfied (no overlaps or partial reads or anything).
>>> There's also some seemingly unrelated cleanup here which was found
>>> desirable on the way.
>>> 1: x86/mm: add optional cache to GLA->GFN translation
>>> 2: x86/mm: use optional cache in guest_walk_tables()
>>> 3: x86/HVM: implement memory read caching
>>> 4: x86/HVM: prefill cache with PDPTEs when possible
>>> "VMX: correct PDPTE load checks" is omitted from v2, as I can't
>>> currently find enough time to carry out the requested further
>>> rework.
>> Following the x86 call, I've had some thoughts and suggestions about how
>> to make this work in a reasonable way, without resorting to the full
>> caching approach.
> Thanks, but one question before I start thinking about this in
> more detail: Before writing this, did you read my mail from the
> 11th? I ask because what you suggest does not look to match
> the behavior I've described there as what I think it ought to be.

I'm taking this off my to-review queue for now then -- let me know if
you need me to review it anyway.


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