Hey there!
I'm going to extend openOCD. There is a new lightwight TAP AHB-Controller 
(AHBL) from Hilscher Companny. Depending on the chip thre is a ARM9 (netX50), a 
RISCV(netIOL), or … below it.
I'm going to add support to openOCD for this TAP-Device. I’m new to openOCD 
I was looking for a API-Description of the TAP-Device in openOCD with no 
Finally my code compiles, I can read the ID, it is excepted by the code-script. 
struct target_type hinetiol_target = {
 .name = TARGET_NAME,
 .examine = hilnetiol_examine_target, // says hello to TAP
 .init_target = netiol_init_target, // does nothing for now
 .poll = netiol_poll, // dummy

Is there a tutorial / guidline / headsup, … for this work I‘ve done so fare and 
for future steps? Maybe some lines describing the interfaces or MACROS, some 
ideas behind the structure of the project?
How are the naming conventions? Which code has to be placed in which file. 
Right now it looks a bit random to me. The ARM stack is huge, controllers are 
described along several composed files and structures. Others are different, 
but I can‘t really figure out rules how to implement it. Is there a minimal 
Dummy target?
After I‘m done, I wold like to write such a guideline if not existing. Where to 
commit it, who will have a review of it?

thx Xensemann


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