> On Feb 11, 2019, at 05:05, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> we have the community call for February coming up this Wednesday. My sincere 
> apologies, that I have not asked for agenda items last week. A current agenda 
> (primarily a skeleton) is available at  
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ZLzQcH794jufDZW1oNYVY2D12CnVqxQ-klFAqkd2bU/edit#heading=h.mz1wjb9vekjn
> Please propose topics by either editing the running agenda document at 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ufv9XcQO0zIAVeFbFCAHAeEIB9Ap4Y4srAm4vI8I01I/edit#
>  or by replying to the mail. Ideally by a few hours before the meeting!

Proposed agenda items:

1.  Tailored instances of Xen: continuing the Nov 2018 discussion of KCONFIG/L0 
 hypervisor use cases.  More details upcoming via wiki page.

2.  Macro supply chains:  what are best practices for maintaining Xen macros 
which originate in other open-source communities, e.g. QEMU or Linux?  Would 
each macro benefit from a documented status (e.g. "Ignore upstream changes", 
"Monitor upstream changes", "Mirror upstream changes") with associated tooling?

3. Go toolchain:  is there community interest in collaborating on the 
development of golang tools for local management of Xen?  Historically, OpenXT 
used a combination of Haskell and Ocaml tools.  Some OpenXT community members 
are using golang with Xen. Could these new tools find a home in upstream Xen?

4. NVME passthrough performance: this is improved when VMEXITs are avoided by 
using "posted interrupts" [1] available on Broadwell and later Xeon processors 
or AWS nested hypervisor "metal" [2].  For commodity x86 CPUs which do not have 
posted interrupts, Linux [3] and Hyper-V [4] have used "hybrid polling" to 
achieve good I/O performance at the cost of CPU cycles.  Is this applicable to 


[1] "VT-d Posted Interrupts" - Intel, 2012

[2] Running Thousands of KVM Guests on Amazon i3.metal Instances, twosix, 2017

[3] "I/O Latency Optimization with Polling" - Western Digital, 2017

[4] "Achieving 10-Million IOPS from a single VM on Windows Hyper-V" - MS, 2018

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