On 6/10/19 9:40 PM, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
Hi Julien,

Hi Stefano,

I expressed my preference below. We don't agree. Is there anything else
you would like me to add to this thread? Do you have a specific
question? The only question I see below is "Users of what?" but I take
it was just rhetorical.

No it wasn't rhetorical. It was a genuine question, because you are implying that:
        1) It is possible to have user that are using AIVIVT
        2) We have to support out of tree users

The latter is particularly critical as this implies that any change in Xen should be done with keeping in mind any patches that could be applied on top of Xen.

So I am all hear of your arguments here... At the end, we need to come to an agreement here as at the moment my patch can't go without your ack.


Julien Grall

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