On 7/31/19 10:22 PM, Nicholas Rosbrook wrote:
>> I looked at the thing about naked returns, and didn't really understand
>> it; but anyway I'm happy to have things modified to be more Go-like.  I
>> definitely "speak" Go with a funny accent.
> TL;DR: Naked returns exist; don't use them (with the exception of defer'd 
> closures if necessary).

Right, but that advice never made sense to me.  The main reason
deprecating them in the document you pointed to is that they cause
"GoDoc stuttering"; and that having an extra "allocation" line in your
function is worth it to make documentation clearer.  I agree with the
principle that clear documentation is important; but I wasn't clear what
the "stutter" looked like and why it was so bad.

The other reason listed is that you can accidentally mask your return
values; e.g. the following will return nil if Bar() returns an error,
which is probably not what the author intended:

func Foo() (err error) {
  if err := Bar(), err != nil {

While the following avoids that issue:

func Foo() (error) {
  if err := Bar(), err != nil {
    return err;

Normally I'm all for coding disciplines which add safety, but for some
reason this argument always seemed really weak to me.  I really like
naked returns as a feature, and would rather just be more careful to
avoid masking.

Anyway, I wouldn't necessarily nack a patch getting rid of naked returns
(particularly if a second person wanted it), but I'm not very keen.


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