On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 11:36:46AM +0000, Pawel Wieczorkiewicz wrote:
> Extend the XC python bindings library to support also all common
> livepatch operations and actions.
> Add the python bindings for the following operations:
> - status (pyxc_livepatch_status):
>   Requires a payload name as an input.
>   Returns a status dict containing a state string and a return code
>   integer.
> - action (pyxc_livepatch_action):
>   Requires a payload name and an action id as an input. Timeout and
>   flags are optional parameters.
>   Returns a return code integer.
> - upload (pyxc_livepatch_upload):
>   Requires a payload name and a module's filename as an input.
>   Returns a return code integer.
> - list (pyxc_livepatch_list):
>   Takes no parameters.
>   Returns a list of dicts containing each payload's:
>   * name as a string
>   * state as a string
>   * return code as an integer
>   * list of metadata key=value strings
> Each functions throws an exception error based on the errno value
> received from its corresponding libxc function call.
> Signed-off-by: Pawel Wieczorkiewicz <wipa...@amazon.de>
> Reviewed-by: Martin Mazein <amaz...@amazon.de>
> Reviewed-by: Andra-Irina Paraschiv <andra...@amazon.com>
> Reviewed-by: Leonard Foerster <foers...@amazon.de>
> Reviewed-by: Norbert Manthey <nmant...@amazon.de>

I haven't looked in details, but I'm fine with these new functionalities
in general. Let's see if Marek has any objections.

Which version of Python do you use to build these? The requirement here
is the code should build with both Python 2.5 and Python 3.


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