On 8/14/19 4:38 AM, Pawel Wieczorkiewicz wrote:
By default, in the quiescing zone, a hotpatch payload is applied with
apply_payload() and reverted with revert_payload() functions. Both of
the functions receive the payload struct pointer as a parameter. The
functions are also a place where standard 'load' and 'unload' module
hooks are executed.

To increase hotpatching system's agility and provide more flexiable
long-term hotpatch solution, allow to overwrite the default apply
and revert action functions with hook-like supplied alternatives.
The alternative functions are optional and the default functions are
used by default.

Since the alternative functions have direct access to the hotpatch
payload structure, they can better control context of the 'load' and
'unload' hooks execution as well as exact instructions replacement
workflows. They can be also easily extended to support extra features
in the future.

To simplify the alternative function generation move code responsible
for payload and hotpatch region registration outside of the function.
That way it is guaranteed that the registration step occurs even for
newly supplied functions.

You MUST also include the test-cases for this new functionality.

Please add them, you know where they are right?

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