On 11/15/19 7:44 PM, Nick Rosbrook wrote:
> From: Nick Rosbrook <rosbro...@ainfosec.com>
> Implement basic type conversion in fromC functions such as strings and
> integer types. Also, remove existing toGo functions from xenlight.go in
> favor of the new generated functions.

You should probably say here explicitly what kinds of elements you're
supporting and not supporting in this patch; specifically:

- You're converting built-ins (or is this any struct-like type?)
- You handle nested anonymous structs
- But you're not handling keyed unions or arrays (anything else)?

> +func (x *VncInfo) fromC(xc *C.libxl_vnc_info) error {
> +     var defboolEnable Defbool
> +     if err := defboolEnable.fromC(&xc.enable); err != nil {
> +             return err
> +     }

Is there a reason in these cases that we don't simply call .fromC on the
elemet itself?

i.e., why not just:

> +     x.Enable = defboolEnable



Everything else looks good, thanks


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