On 06.12.2019 12:48, George Dunlap wrote:
> @@ -133,3 +133,86 @@ the end of files.  It should be:
>   * indent-tabs-mode: nil
>   * End:
>   */
> +
> +Handling unexpected conditions
> +------------------------------
> +
> +
> +Passing errors up the stack should be used when the caller is already
> +expecting to handle errors, and the state when the error was
> +discovered isn’t broken, or too isn't hard to fix.

Was the "too" meant to come later in the sentence?

> +domain_crash() should be used when passing errors up the stack is too
> +difficult, and/or when fixing up state of a guest is impractical, but
> +where fixing up the state of Xen will allow Xen to continue running.
> +
> +BUG_ON() should be used when you can’t pass errors up the stack, and
> +either continuing or crashing the guest would likely cause an
> +information leak or privilege escalation vulnerability.

Strictly speaking BUG_ON() isn't an error handling mechanism either.
Further down it becomes more clear (it rather to be used for
detecting broken assumptions), but I guess it wouldn't hurt to say
so here as well.


Nit: Stray "IT"?

> +move detection of a bug earlier in the programming cycle.  It should
> +only added after one of the other three error-handling mechanisms has

Nit: "only be added ..."?

> +been evaluated for reliability and security.
> +
> +
> +It's frequently the case that code is writen with the assumption that

Nit: written

> +certain conditions can never happen.  There are several possible
> +actions programmers can take in these situations:
> +
> +* Programmers can simply not handle those cases in any way, other than
> +perhaps to write a comment documenting what the assumption is.
> +
> +* Programmers can try to handle the case gracefully -- fixing up
> +in-progress state and returning an error to the user.
> +
> +* Programmers can crash the guest.
> +
> +* Programmers can use ASSERT(), which will cause the check to be
> +executed in DEBUG builds, and cause the hypervisor to crash if it's
> +violated
> +
> +* Programmers can use BUG_ON(), which will cause the check to be
> +executed in both DEBUG and non-DEBUG builds, and cause the hypervisor
> +to crash if it's violated.
> +
> +In selecting which response to use, we want to achieve several goals:
> +
> +- To minimize risk of introducing security vulnerabilities,
> +  particularly as the code evolves over time
> +
> +- To efficiently spend programmer time
> +
> +- To detect violations of assumptions as early as possible
> +
> +- To minimize the impact of bugs on production use cases
> +
> +The guidelines above attempt to balance these:
> +
> +- When the caller is expecting to handle errors, and there are no

Nit: s/ are / is / ?

> +broken state at the time the unexpected condition is discovered, or
> +when fixing the state is straightforward, then fixing up the state and
> +returning an error is the most robust thing to do.  However, if the
> +caller isn't expecting to handle errors, or if the state is difficult
> +to fix, then returning an error may require extensive refactoring,
> +which is not a good use of programmer time when they're certain that
> +this condition cannot occur.
> +
> +- BUG_ON() will stop all hypervisor action immediately.  In situations
> +where continuing might allow an attacker to escalate privilege, a
> +BUG_ON() can change a privilege escalation or information leak into a
> +denial-of-service (an improvement).  But in situations where
> +continuing (say, returning an error) might be safe, then BUG_ON() can
> +change a benign failure into denial-of-service (a degradation)

Nit: Full stop?


> +- ASSERT() will stop the hypervisor during development, but allow
> +hypervisor action to continue during production.  In situations where
> +continuing will at worst result in a denial-of-service, and at best
> +may have little effect other than perhaps quirky behavior, using an
> +ASSERT() will allow violation of assumptions to be detected as soon as
> +possible, while not causing undue degradation in production
> +hypervisors.  However, in situations where continuing could cause
> +privilege escalation or information leaks, using an ASSERT() can
> +introduce security vulnerabilities.

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