We had this irc conversation about this.  c&p here for our (mostly my)

11:03 <xadimgnik> Diziet: I wasn't really considering keeping 2^15 history... I 
                  was thinking much shorter... after all there's nothing to 
                  actually prevent re-creation of exactly the same domid now 
                  (e.g. create, followed by 2^15 -1 create/destroy, destroy the 
                  first one and then create)
11:04 <xadimgnik> Diziet: so keeping history is actually a new thing... so I 
                  was thinking something like a 64 entry list
11:05 <Diziet> Is there a problem with keeping 2^15 history ?  My personal 
               approach is normally to solve a problem Properly when I get my 
               teeth into it...
11:05 <Diziet> I agree that the existing situation is as you describe but I 
               think it is not good.
11:05 <xadimgnik> well I still don't know what we're trying to actually prevent 
                  other than a fairly immediate re-creation of a domid
11:06 <xadimgnik> so 2^15 seems like massive overkill
11:06  * Diziet thinks.
11:07 <xadimgnik> and it will make searching valid domid space when using a 
                  randomly generated id almost impossible eventually
11:08 <Diziet> The (usually latent) bug I am seeing with the current setup is 
               that a domid might be reused while someone else still has a 
               reference to it.
11:08 <Diziet> I'm not sure how we would demonstrate that it was actually safe 
               to reuse a domid.  Certainly as you say "fairly immediate" is 
               obviously hazardous.
11:08 <xadimgnik> well a zombie domain will prevent re-use of that id
11:09 <Diziet> I guess we have to hope that everyone who has domids in places 
               that would matter has to listen for @releaseDomain and if we 
               give them all "enough time to act on that" then we are safe ?
11:09 <Diziet> xadimgnik: zombie> Indeed, but I think we have to consider 
               actually destroyed domains too.
11:10 <xadimgnik> yes, I think prevention of immediate re-use is prudent but 
                  I'd guess a default history of e.g. 64 would probably be ok
11:10 <Diziet> So I think I am halfway to constructing an argument that a 
               shorter recent list is OK if the list's length is longer than 
               "the number of domains we might create in enough time for 
               everyone to act on earlier domain destructions" ?
11:11 <xadimgnik> ok, cool... so we just need to agree on that length
11:11 <Diziet> I'm not sure how we would assess the right number.  In a very 
               disaggregated system you might well create a dozen or so domains 
               per guest and you might have orchestration software which 
               creates bunches of guests all at once.
11:12 <xadimgnik> one option would be leave the /libxl/<domid> path around in 
                  xenstore containing a timestamp of when the domain was 
11:12 <Diziet> As for your argument about random selection becoming impossible, 
               I was imagining you would do something like "pick randomly from 
               the least recent 25% of the LRU list" (assuming that the list 
               was a complete list of to-be-allocated-dynamically domids).
11:13 <Diziet> xadimgnik: And have some kind of garbage collection process 
               which when we want to write an entry discards the "too old to 
               care" entries ?
11:14 <xadimgnik> yes, destruction of a domain would purge 'old' entries before 
                  writing its own
11:14 <Diziet> Your timestamp idea has the virtue of having a comprehensible 
               tuning parameter (the expiry delay) which can be safely set to a 
               conservative value.  It also means that if you run out of "safe" 
               domids because you have a rabbit domain, or something, you get 
               an error rather than unsafety.
11:15 <xadimgnik> yes
11:15 <Diziet> I still think some people will want to be able to reserve areas 
               of the domid space for particular purposes, or particular hosts, 
               or something.
11:16 <Diziet> But maybe just confining the automatically allocated domids to a 
               [min,max> range would be sufficient.
11:16 <Diziet> And I don't think that is a necessary feature for your current 
               work, in the sense that provided we leave room for it to be 
               added later your series doesn't have to contain it.
11:17 <Diziet> I think the ARM folks will want it because they want to be able 
               to have domids statically allocated in the system configuration.
11:17 <Diziet> s/ARM/embedded/
11:17 <xadimgnik> Diziet: ok, yes I think that could be done later... I'll work 
                  on the retirement delay (for specified domids) first
11:18 <Diziet> OK so if we are going to have a reuse delay, and I think we're 
               agreed on the data to be store in abstract terms, can we talk a 
               bit about representation / storage location ?
11:19 <Diziet> I still think a file is a better plan than xenstore.  xenstore 
               is rather clumsier than a file for something that only one 
               library which is part of one domain needs to care about.
11:19 <xadimgnik> Diziet: xenstore seems like the logical place... we just 
                  leave the /libxl nodes around
11:20 <Diziet> I think a few dozen /libxl/blah left over in xenstore will be an 
               inconvenience to xenstore-ls.
11:20 <Diziet> It also makes it hard to spot leaks and wreckage (both for the 
               human sysadmin, and for CI tools like osstest's leak detector).
11:20 <Diziet> Obviously we can teach the CI a more complicated leak rule, but 
               the humans are harder :-).
11:20 <xadimgnik> Diziet: really, I would have thought the timestamp would be 
11:21 <xadimgnik> it will tell you want recent domids will be in your logs and 
                  when they were killed
11:22 <Diziet> So I think a file is easier to write the code to handle, and 
               easier to reason about for people consuming either the normal 
               xenstore listing or the LRU list, and uses fewer host resources.
11:22 <Diziet> So I don't understand why you think xenstore is better.
11:22 <xadimgnik> because it avoids the need to purge on boot, and it is 
                  actually easier to code up
11:22 <Diziet> (Incidentally now we have your timestamp idea there isn't a 
               definite need to launder the list at boot, if there ever was.)
11:23 <Diziet> I'm surprised that it's easier to write.
11:23 <xadimgnik> Diziet: I find files a PITA... needing to flock etc.
11:23 <Diziet> We have all the utility functions for that in libxl.  With 
               xenstore you need the transaction loop.
11:24 <xadimgnik> Diziet: I've coded up a basic retirement list in both styles 
                  and the xenstore code is shorter
11:24 <xadimgnik> even with transactions
11:25 <Diziet> You'll need to iterate over /libxl on every domain destruction.  
               Both of these schemes introduce an additional O( (domain churn 
               rate)^2 ) algorithm but the constant of proportionality is much 
               higher for xenstore.
11:25 <Diziet> xadimgnik: Cor.  Can you post those ?
11:25 <xadimgnik> ok... given the use of absolute timestamps then a file is 
                  probably not so bad
11:26 <xadimgnik> Diziet: they are just keeping lists and are not what I'd call 
11:26 <Diziet> I think xen-init-dom0 should probably launder the list just in 
               case of clock problems.
11:26 <Diziet> xadimgnik: I'm sure they're not.
11:26 <Diziet> That's fine :-).
11:26 <Diziet> I just want to see why I am wrote about the code size.
11:26 <Diziet> s/wrote/wrong/
11:26 <xadimgnik> Diziet: ok, I'll dig the them out of my stash
11:26 <Diziet> If you are too embarassed you can send them to me privately...
11:27 <xadimgnik> Diziet: I was planning on it ;-)
11:27 <Diziet> I don't feel I want to put my foot down about the representation 
               but given this conversation it would be worth seeing if 
               anthonyper or liuw had an opinion.

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