> If an error is encountered deep in a complicated data structure, it's
> often difficult to tell where the error actually is.  Make the error
> message from the generated toC() and fromC() structures more
> informative by tagging which field being converted encountered the
> error.  This will have the effect of giving a "stack trace" of the
> failure inside a nested data structure.
> NB that my version of python insists on reordering a couple of switch
> statements for some reason; In other patches I've reverted those
> changes, but in this case it's more difficult because they interact
> with actual code changes.  I'll leave this here for now, as we're
> going to remove helpers.gen.go from being tracked by git at some point
> in the near future anyway.
> Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <george.dun...@citrix.com>

Reviewed-by: Nick Rosbrook <rosbro...@ainfosec.com>

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