On 21/02/2020 18:49, Tamas K Lengyel wrote:
> When creating a domain that will be used as a VM fork some information is
> required to set things up properly, like the max_vcpus count. Instead of the
> toolstack having to gather this information for each fork in a separate
> hypercall we can just include the parent domain's id in the createdomain 
> domctl
> so that Xen can copy the setting without the extra toolstack queries.

Right, but when I said this wasn't safe, I did mean it...

What happens when parent and the current domain have different gnttab or
evtchn limits, or different emulation settings?

If you want to fork a domain safely, you either need to have no
parameters passed by the toolstack (and let Xen copy appropriate
values), or cross check every provided parameter and bail early on a


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