* Jason Andryuk (jandr...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Hi,
> At some point, QEMU changed to add a json VM description (vmdesc)
> after the migration data.  The vmdesc is not needed to restore the
> migration data, but qemu_loadvm_state() will read and discard the
> vmdesc to clear the stream when should_send_vmdesc() is true.

About 5 years ago :-)

> xen-save-devices-state generates its migration data without a vmdesc.
> xen-load-devices-state in turn calls qemu_loadvm_state() which tries
> to load vmdesc since should_send_vmdesc is true for xen.  When
> restoring from a file, this is fine since it'll return EOF, print
> "Expected vmdescription section, but got 0" and end the restore
> successfully.
> Linux stubdoms load their migration data over a console, so they don't
> hit the EOF and end up waiting.  There does seem to be a timeout
> though and restore continues after a delay, but we'd like to eliminate
> the delay.
> Two options to address this are to either:
> 1) set suppress_vmdesc for the Xen machines to bypass the
> should_send_vmdesc() check.
> or
> 2) just send the vmdesc data.
> Since vmdesc is just discarded, maybe #1 should be followed.

#1 does sound simple!

> If going with #2, qemu_save_device_state() needs to generate the
> vmdesc data.  Looking at qemu_save_device_state() and
> qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy_non_iterable(), they are both very
> similar and could seemingly be merged.  qmp_xen_save_devices_state()
> could even leverage the bdrv_inactivate_all() call in
> qemu_savevm_state_complete_precopy_non_iterable().
> The would make qemu_save_device_state a little more heavywight, which
> could impact COLO.  I'm not sure how performance sensitive the COLO
> code is, and I haven't measured anything.

COLO snapshots are potentially quite sensitive; although we've got a
load of other things we could do with speeding up, we could do without
making them noticably heavier.


> Does anyone have thoughts or opinions on the subject?
> Thanks,
> Jason
Dr. David Alan Gilbert / dgilb...@redhat.com / Manchester, UK

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