Anders Blomdell wrote:
For the last few days, I have tried to figure out a good way to share interrupts between RT and non-RT domains. This has included looking through Dmitry's patch, correcting bugs and testing what is possible in my specific case. I'll therefore try to summarize at least a few of my thoughts.

1. When looking through Dmitry's patch I get the impression that the iack handler has very little to do with each interrupt (the test 'prev->iack != intr->iack' is a dead giveaway), but is more of a domain-specific function (or perhaps even just a placeholder for the hijacked Linux ack-function).

2. Somewhat inspired by the figure in "Life with Adeos", I have identified the following cases:

  irq K  | ----------- | ---o    |   // Linux only
  irq L  | ---o        |         |   // RT-only
  irq M  | ---o------- | ---o    |   // Shared between domains
  irq N  | ---o---o--- |         |   // Shared inside single domain
irq O | ---o---o--- | ---o | // Shared between and inside single domain

Xenomai currently handles the K & L cases, Dmitrys patch addresses the N case, with edge triggered interrupts the M (and O after Dmitry's patch) case(s) might be handled by returning RT_INTR_CHAINED | RT_INTR_ENABLE from the interrupt handler, for level triggered interrupt the M and O cases can't be handled.

If one looks more closely at the K case (Linux only interrupt), it works by when an interrupt occurs, the call to irq_end is postponed until the Linux interrupt handler has run, i.e. further interrupts are disabled. This can be seen as a lazy version of Philippe's idea of disabling all non-RT interrupts until the RT-domain is idle, i.e. the interrupt is disabled only if it indeed occurs.

If this idea should be generalized to the M (and O) case(s), one can't rely on postponing the irq_end call (since the interrupt is still needed in the RT-domain), but has to rely on some function that disables all non-RT hardware that generates interrupts on that irq-line; such a function naturally has to have intimate knowledge of all hardware that can generate interrupts in order to be able to disable those interrupt sources that are non-RT.

If we then take Jan's observation about the many (Linux-only) interrupts present in an ordinary PC and add it to Philippe's idea of disabling all non-RT interrupts while executing in the RT-domain, I think that the following is a workable (and fairly efficient) way of handling this:

Add hardware dependent enable/disable functions, where the enable is called just before normal execution in a domain starts (i.e. when playing back interrupts, the disable is still in effect), and disable is called when normal domain execution end. This does effectively handle the K case above, with the added benefit that NO non-RT interrupts will occur during RT execution.

In the 8259 case, the disable function could look something like:

  domain_irq_disable(uint irqmask) {
    if (irqmask & 0xff00 != 0xff00) {
      irqmask &= ~0x0004; // Cascaded interrupt is still needed
      outb(irqmask >> 8, PIC_SLAVE_IMR);
    outb(irqmask, PIC_MASTER_IMR);

If we should extend this to handle the M (and O) case(s), the disable function could look like:

  domain_irq_disable(uint irqmask, shared_irq_t *shared[]) {
    int i;

    for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_IRQ ; i++) {
      if (shared[i]) {
        shared_irq_t *next = shared[i];
        irqmask &= ~(1<<i);
        while (next) {
      next = next->next;
    if (irqmask & 0xff00 != 0xff00) {
      irqmask &= ~0x0004; // Cascaded interrupt is still needed
      outb(irqmask >> 8, PIC_SLAVE_IMR);
    outb(irqmask, PIC_MASTER_IMR);

An obvious optimization of the above scheme, is to never call the disable (or enable) function for the RT-domain, since there all interrupt processing is protected by the hardware.

Comments, anyone?

OK, I have finally got around to do some interrupt timing tests on a PrPMC800 (450 MHz PowerPC/G4) with the following interrupt sources:

  3: 10 Khz watchdog interrupt (Linux)
 10: 100 Mbit/s ethernet (Linux)
 16: mailbox interrupt (RT) + UART (Linux)

I have measured interrupt latency, task latency (time from interrupt until a task signalled from interrupt handler has started) and the semaphore latency (time from task semaphore is signalled until task has started).

I have tested 4 different ways of handling shared Linux/RT interrupts:

  1. When UART interrupt occurs, disable further UART interrupts, signal low
     priority UART reenable task, return XN_ISR_ENABLE | XN_ISR_CHAINED.
     In low priority UART reenable task, reenable UART when Linux has handled
     the interrupt.

  2. Disable UART interrupts, and poll them at 1kHz from low priority RT task,
     and rthal_irq_host_pend them as they occur.

  3. Modified Xenomai, where non-RT interrupts are disabled when entering
     the RT domain, and enabled when entering the Linux domain.

  4. Modified Xenomai, where non-RT interrupts are disabled when interrupt
     occurs, and enabled when entering the Linux domain.

In case 3 & 4 interrupts are enabled/disabled with code like:

      if (enable) {
        // Enable Linux interrupts
        SET_HARRIER_XCSR_REG_16(FEMA, 0xc900); // UART
      } else {
        // Disable Linux interrupts
        SET_HARRIER_XCSR_REG_16(FEMA, 0xcf00); // UART

The tests has been run with 5 different loads (measuring a 1 kHz mailbox 

  A. Idle
  B. 10 KHz watchdog
  C. UART @9600 baud (approx 1kHz)
  D. ping -f -l20
  E. compound load (watchdog + UART + ping)

The plots at makes me draw the following conclusions (worst case task latency <= worst case interrupt latency + worst case semaphore latency, since their simultaneous probablity is lower):

  a. On an unloaded system (A), 3 & 4 are slightly worse (2 us), the main
     difference between the two being if the disabling is done before or
     after the mailbox IRQ handler is run.
  b. In all the single load cases (B, C, D) the modified kernels (3, 4) has
     comparable task latency as the unmodified kernels (1, 2), and lower
     interrupt latency and lower semaphore latency.
  c. In the compound load case, the modified kernels shows distinctly improved
     worst case interrupt latencies (15 us instead of 20 us), and the one with
     early disabled interrupts (4) has distinctly better semaphore latency.

Based on the above, I conclude that by disabling all non-RT interrupts early (4) timing is improved since the RT domain is hit by a maximum of one non-RT interrupt at a time, and on standard PC's with lots of non-RT interrupts the benefit would be even bigger. I also believe that the enable/disable code could be (somewhat) improved by only taking one write posting delay instead of two (these are in code called by rthal_irq_*able).



Anders Blomdell

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