Stefan Kisdaroczi wrote:
 > A small program only calling rt_task_shadow with NULL-name fails if i start 
 > it 
 > a second time. Error EEXIST (-17). Same for a program calling only 
 > rt_task_spawn with NULL-name.

I am able to observe this behaviour. I am on it.

 > Apropos registry:
 > In the trunk there is no file src/native/registry.c anymore. I do not really 
 > miss it, but the API documentation still says these calls can be made from 
 > user-space. Should I create a patch to update the docs? Or should it be 
 > there?

I will update the doc too. There are no registry syscalls in
ksrc/skins/native/syscall.c, and no skins/native/lib/registry.c in 2.0.x
branch either, so it looks intentional. Registry services are not
accessible from user-space. Philippe will be able to explain here.

Thanks for reporting.


                                            Gilles Chanteperdrix.

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