Hi Adam,

I'm currently revamping the documentation framework. The core stuff is already there but it still needs some customization to generate acceptable and publishable documents. Should be ready within a week I hope as far as html output is concerned.

I will then migrate all available documents to xml docbook to finally obtain a real documentation base for the project. I will start with a "Getting Started" document and also technical article already published by Philippe. The first one has the priority and all my attention at the moment though. I think your document could be part of it as architecture dependent section (if you agree of course ;).

All documents will finally be accessible from the website.


Bruno Rouchouse

On 3/27/06, adam li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have played with Xenomai on Blackfin 533. Here is a step by step
document on how to enable Xenomai on Blackfin 533 with uClinux for your
interest: http://docs.blackfin.uclinux.org/doku.php?id=adeos



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