Jan Kiszka wrote:
 > (...)
 > +#define DECLARE_BHEAP_CONTAINER(name, sz) \
 > +    struct { \
 > +        bheap_t bheap; \
 > +        bheaph_t elems[sz]; \
 > +    } name
 > +

Don't you mean bheaph_t *elems[sz] ?

 > (...)
 > +typedef struct {
 > +    bheap_t bheap;
 > +    bheaph_t __buffer[CONFIG_XENO_OPT_TIMER_HEAP_CAPACITY];
 > +} xntimerq_t;

Same remark. And why not using the macro here ?

I would also prefer passing the bheaph_t** storage to bheap_init, and
conserve bheap_destroy (with a callback called with the bheap_t**
storage) in case the storage was dynamically allocated by the caller.


                                            Gilles Chanteperdrix.

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