
I'm currently working on my diploma thesis which will finish in December 2006. The first goal of my project is to integrate Xenomai events to LTTng, a task quite simple since creating new events in LTTng is not very difficult. The second goal is to create a new module in the viewer, LTTV, to analyse these specifics events.

Our idea about the LTTV module is to create a new controlflow module representing realtime task behavior by identifying the start, end, suspend, resume, period, etc...The difference with the current controlflow is that we will not be showing the states of the process, but there will be a line for each task (multiple realtime tasks by process) and identifiers for each important events. Eventualy it will be good to detected problems relating to periodic tasks. If I have enough time, it could also be a good idea to add some statistics.

If you have any idea relating to Xenomai or LTTng/LTTV, I will considerate them.

Thank you!
Jean-Olivier Villemure

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