Remco den Breeje wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having trouble trying to share a semaphore that is created in
> user-space context with a rtdm-driver that runs in kernel-space. I was
> hoping you could explain me what I'm doing wrong.
> I'm using a posix-skin based user-space Xenomai application that runs
> a loop which is triggered by a semaphore.
> This semaphore is posted by a pthread that runs at a specific
> frequency. However, I want to be able to synchronize this loop with an
> external hardware trigger that is read out by a rtdm-driver. To do so,
> I try to disable the semaphore-post in the user-mode pthread, and
> re-use the existing semaphore in kernel-mode (the rtdm-driver).
> Unfortunately, the rtdm-driver is not able to find the user-space
> created semaphore.
> I wrote a little test-program to explain the problem. If required, I
> will post the complete test-program, but for now I will show some
> code-snippets.
> In the user-space application a semphore is created using the sem_open 
> sys-call:
>   clockSem = sem_open(SEMNAME, O_CREAT, 0, 0);
> clockSem, which is a pointer to sem_t returns an address (!= SEM_FAILED).
> With an ioctl-call I try to open the same semaphore in kernel-mode:
>   sem_p = sem_open(SEMNAME, 0);
> This fails. sem_p equals SEM_FAILED, and errno is set to 2 (ENOENT).
> I'm runing Linux x86 32bit, Xenomai 2.4.8, ipipe 2.4-01

This is supposed to work. Please post the full user-space and
kernel-space code so that we can investigate.


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