Cedric Herreman wrote:
 > Hello,
 >  I have created a memory heap in the init_module routine of a kernel module 
 > : 
 > rt_heap_create(&heap_data,"RT_LOG_HEAP",sizeof(ttv_log_data),H_FIFO|H_SHARED);
 >  and 
 >  rt_heap_alloc(&heap_data,0,TM_NONBLOCK,&loc_ptr);
 >  Both calls return succesful.
 >  When i try to bind to this memory in an user space application :
 >  rt_heap_bind(&rt_heap,"RT_LOG_HEAP",TM_NONBLOCK);
 >  the call returns with error -2, this error does not seem to be documented 
 > (i test on all the constants defined in the html API docs, xenomai v2.0).
 >  Can anyone give me a hint on what's wrong here ?

-2 is -ENOENT, no such file or directory.

You are probably missing the /dev/rtheap file. In order to create it,
run "make devices" with root privileges.


                                            Gilles Chanteperdrix.

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