
I'm seeking some clarification on a few points.   The background is that I have 
some software I need to install which requires Xenomai on Ubuntu.   Being 
fairly recent on the Linux scene, following the installation guide for Xenomai 
has been something of a voyage of exploration, as yet unfinished - and somewhat 
more complicated as I'm doing this on a bootable usb key.

In any case, a colleague mentioned there was an easier way using the available 
packages in the Ubuntu repositories, i.e. the xenomai-runtime and associated 
packages.  It was implied that with a straight-forward 'aptitude install 
xenomai-runtime' and voila I have a RTOS ready to use.   Given the descriptions 
of these packages (and no mention of patching of the kernel for example), I 
don't think that this is their purpose, particularly when I tried downloading 
the xenomai examples where the second step is :

make XENO=<xenomai-installation-path> KSRC=<xenomai-kernel-source>

Could someone confirm (or refute) this suspicion (that the packages do not 
provide access to a RTOS) and perhaps explain the intended use of the xenomai 
packages available on the ubuntu repositories - I've not seen any detailed 
reference as to why one would download and install these packages (say, in 
addition to having already gone through the long process of kernel patching + 
compilation + user space setup).

Thanks for any assistance,

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