> The best way to know if what you observe is due to the natural jitter or
> to some other issue is to measure the jitter at the point where you
> think it is.

Since the generation loop is so simple I was assuming (maybe too
naive) that this is exactly where it starts to deviate from the ideal
timing. But you are right - more precise measurements are required and
I will definitely try to do it.

> But, anyway, such low level code would be best implemented
> in a driver, completely in kernel-space, that would reduce the jitter,
> an ioctl allowing to configure the duty cycle.

I was trying to stay in the user space as long as possible :-) .
Please correct me if I am wrong here, but I was thinking that Xenomai
actually runs Linux kernel as one of it's tasks (acting as a kind of
supervisor). As a result, kernel could be preempted whenever Xenomai
finds it necessary so the real-time performance of the Xenomai task
(thread?) might be even better then kernel driver. Am I wrong with
this assumption?

In addition, by any chances, maybe you have some figures to estimate
the jitter values which might be realistic to achieve using
driver-based approach you suggested? Would you expect these figures to
be considerably better then what I was observing with Xenomai-based

Thank you very much for such a quick response!

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