Le 04/11/2014 15:09, Christophe Carton a écrit :

Le 04/11/2014 15:05, Philippe Gerum a écrit :
On 11/04/2014 02:49 PM, Christophe Carton wrote:
Le 04/11/2014 14:22, Philippe Gerum a écrit :
On 11/04/2014 12:46 PM, Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
On Tue, Nov 04, 2014 at 12:43:00PM +0100, Philippe Gerum wrote:
On 11/04/2014 11:34 AM, Christophe Carton wrote:

I am currently working with Xenomai 2.6.4 with native skin and with a
Linux kernel 3.14.17.
The linux and the xenomai have been taken from the following Git
repositories :
* http://git.xenomai.org/xenomai-2.6.git - tag v2.6.4
* http://git.xenomai.org/ipipe.git - tag ipipe-core-3.14.17-x86-4

I am encountering a problem to enable the Round Robin scheduler in a
specific case :
* Two tasks ("rr task 1" and "rr task 2") of priority 10 are
launched by
a task ("init task") of priority 90.
* All 3 of them are configured with a RR scheduler via "rt_task_slice"
API before they are started.
In this case the FIFO scheduling seems to be applied (could be seen
rt_printf logs).

I have found a thread on the mailing list that gives an example
demonstrating the good behavior of the RR scheduler.
This example implies that the tasks are locked via a semaphore at
startup and that this semaphore is unlocked by the main when all
have been started.
This is necessary in this case due to the fact that the main
function is
no an RT task.

This implementation (with the semaphore) applied to my test works. Why
is the semaphore needed in my case?
init_task() is switched to non-rt mode by rt_task_create(), so that a
regular pthread is first created by the glibc, prior to extending it
with Xenomai capabilities. In 2.6.x, this operation leaves the caller (i.e. init_task() in your case) in relaxed/secondary mode, which means that it is assigned the lowest priority level in the Xenomai scheduler,
below the RR class.

Given that, in your code, no Xenomai syscall following the first
rt_task_create() have the requirement to switch the caller back to
primary/rt mode, including rt_task_start() which is issued for task_1.
Hence init_task() won't compete with task() which is assigned the
real-time RR priority you asked for on entry.

IOW, if you don't make the children wait on a barrier until the parent
has set the whole thing up, the first call to rt_task_start() will
unleash task_1, which will in turn start spinning immediately in its
work loop as init_task() is on a lower priority level, locking up

Right. You can probably avoid that by enabling the deprecated option
CONFIG_XENO_OPT_PRIOCPL in the kernel configuration.

I would not recommend to rely on this option, as you know we killed it
in 3.x because we could never have it working 100% reliably. The only
sane way otherwise is to synchronize the parent and the child thread
internally at thread creation to preserve the priority order, without
requiring the start call to switch to secondary mode, but only 3.x
implements this.

Thanks for your replies.
I do now understand why my code example is not working like I supposed
it should have.

It looks like rt_task_create() and rt_task_start() switches the caller
in relaxed/secondary mode. This explains the behavior that I have noticed.
I have read the doxygen documentation about those two API and I did not
find this behavior explained.
How could we know which API switches the caller's mode to primary/rt or
to relaxed/secondary or maybe does not affect the mode?

This behavior was not documented in the 2.6.x series, which is clearly
unfortunate. As a suggestion, here is fallback option :

- first refer to the 3.x documentation for the same call, looking for
the service "Tags" section, e.g. for rt_task_create() that would be:
with tags mentioning "thread-unrestricted, switch-secondary".
Clicking on the tags will get you the explanation:

- then cross-check with the 2.x -> 3.x migration info that the
documented behavior did not change, or in which way it did change. For
the task-related stuff from the API you are using, the info would be there:

Well, ok. I agree in advance that it's not that handy.

I will do with this fallback option for the moment until I migrate to Xenomai 3.x.
Thanks to the team for the quick replies.

Best regards,


I have taken into account your previous replies and added after rt_task_create(), rt_task_set_mode(0, T_CONFORMING, nullptr) to set init_task()'s mode from relaxed/secondary mode to primary/rt mode. task_1 and task_2 are launched when init_task() calls the rt_task_join() which is the waited behavior.
Nevertheless, they are are still not scheduled in RR...
As init_task() is in primary/rt mode and of higher priority than task_1 and task_2, shouldn't we have task_1 and task_2 launched "at the same time" and scheduled in RR? It looks like rt_task_start() does not immediately declare task_1() and task_2() to the scheduler (and so, the scheduler does not set them in suspended state until init_task() is suspended). In other words, task_1() and task2() seems to be declared to the scheduler only when init_task() is suspended (and so launched one after the other - this could explain the observed behavior). Is this correct? Does this means that the children must always wait on a barrier until the parents has finish it setup?

You could find attached the updated source code.

Best regards,


*Christophe Carton *

-------------- next part --------------
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <xenomai/native/timer.h>
#include <xenomai/native/task.h>
#include <xenomai/native/sem.h>

#include <rtdk.h>

#define NB_TASKS (2UL)

#define EXECTIME_NS (100e6) // 100 ms
#define WORKTIME_NS (500e3) // 500 µs
#define CPU_ID (1)
RT_SEM synchro_sem;

RTIME slice = 2; //rt_timer_ns2ticks(20000);

#define ERROR_MGR(fct) \
do { \
        int err = fct; \
        if ( err != 0 ) \
        { \
                rt_fprintf(stderr, "%s-%s error %d\n", __FUNCTION__, #fct, 
err); \
                abort(); \
        } \

#define TASK_INQUIRE(str) \
do \
{ \
        RT_TASK_INFO info; \
        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_inquire(nullptr, &info) ); \
        rt_printf( \
                "[%s]\n" \
                "\t- Mode switches = %d\n" \
                "\t- Base Prio     = %d\n" \
                "\t- Current Prio  = %d\n", \
                str, \
                info.modeswitches, \
                info.bprio, info.cprio); \
} while(0)

#define TASK2PRIMARY() \
do { \
        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_set_mode(0, T_CONFORMING, nullptr) ); \

static void task(void *)

//      ERROR_MGR( rt_task_sleep(rt_timer_ns2ticks(500000000)) );
//      ERROR_MGR( rt_sem_p(&synchro_sem, TM_INFINITE) );

        RT_TASK_INFO curtaskinfo;
        RT_TASK *curtask = nullptr;
        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_inquire(curtask, &curtaskinfo) );
        for(  ; curtaskinfo.exectime < EXECTIME_NS ;  )
                // dummy average processing
                ERROR_MGR( rt_task_inquire(curtask, &curtaskinfo) );
                RTIME timepoint = rt_timer_read();
                                "%lu Running [%s] priority [%d] at : [%lu 

static void init_task(void *)
        RT_TASK task_desc_1, task_desc_2;


        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_create ( &task_desc_1, "rr task 1", 0, 10, 

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_create ( &task_desc_2, "rr task 2", 0, 10, 
        TASK_INQUIRE("rt_task_create 2");

//      rt_printf("slice ticks = %lu\n", slice);
        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_slice( &task_desc_1, slice ) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_slice( &task_desc_2, slice ) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_start( &task_desc_1, &task, nullptr ) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_start( &task_desc_2, &task, nullptr ) );
        TASK_INQUIRE("rt_task_start 2");

//      rt_printf("Launch!!!\n");
//      rt_task_sleep(rt_timer_ns2ticks(500000000UL));
//      ERROR_MGR( rt_sem_broadcast(&synchro_sem) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_join( &task_desc_1 ) );
        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_join( &task_desc_2 ) );

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
        RT_TASK init_task_desc;
        ERROR_MGR( mlockall( MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE ) );


        // semaphore to sync task startup on
        ERROR_MGR( rt_sem_create(&synchro_sem, "Synchro sem", 0, S_FIFO) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_create( &init_task_desc, "init task", 0, 90, 

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_slice( &init_task_desc, slice ) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_start( &init_task_desc, &init_task, nullptr ) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_task_join( &init_task_desc ) );

        ERROR_MGR( rt_sem_delete(&synchro_sem) );

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
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