What is the difference between the Posix and Cobalt skin, as far as xeno-config 
is concerned??

Difference between
  xeno-config --skin posix --cflags
  xeno-config --skin cobalt --cflags
is that the former declares -D__COBALT_WRAP__ (which in turn adds fwd 
declarations for clock_nanosleep() and pthread_setname_np() in 

difference between 
  xeno-config --skin posix --ldflags
  xeno-config --skin cobalt --ldflags
is that the former adds `-Wl,@/usr/xenomai/lib/cobalt.wrappers`

So it seems to me that `--skin posix` expects you to call, e.g.: 
pthread_create(), while `--skin cobalt` expects you to call, e.g.: 

Is this correct?
Is that it?
What are the intended uses?
I don't think this is documented anywhere? Where would be the best place to 
have this written down? Perhaps the --help of xeno-config? Also, while we are 
at it, --skin alchemy vs --skin native and the effect of --compat could use 
some description.


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