
the following patches allow a variety of options additional
to the linker magic involved for hijacking the aplications main

the original method will still continue to work, differences are

*   the code dealing with retrieving the commandline arguments
    is moved into libcobale/libmercury. Making the necessary per-application
    code much smaller.

*   the implementation was moved into a header, with several macros
    controlling functionality (not everyone wants to define a main function).

The approach I use personally is to compile and link my own bootstrap code,
which is preferable in many build systems as source-files are understood while
objects files generally need some special care. (And it cant hurt if the 
flags match exactly).

As example:

----- add this to your file  containing main

int xenomai_init_getargv(int *argc, char *const** argv);

int main(int argc, char *const argv[])
#if defined(__COBALT__) || defined(__MERCURY__)
    xenomai_init_getargv(&argc, &argv);

----- create another file, lets call it mybootstrap.c

#include <xenomai/bootstrap-template.h>



[PATCH 1/2] separate bootstrap code to get commandline, move it into
[PATCH 2/2] add a header to create flexible bootstrap code

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