
as you might know, I run into alot of troubles with realtime code calling 
This function is now a syscall on many architectures and depends on a linux 
kernel spinlock,
so a RT thread might deadlock itself when both trying to claim that lock and 
preventing the linux kernel to free it.

Usage is rather simple, the code compiles without any Cobalt/Xenomai headers.
RT-threads need to enable PTHREAD_WARNSW:
pthread_setmode_np(0, PTHREAD_WARNSW, NULL);

And the checker library needs to be preloaded:
LD_PRELOAD=libcobalt-gettime_checker.so ./yourapp -and -your -params.

Unlike the existing mode-checker, this does not need any changes to the binary,
and will also catch calls from all directly and indirectly loaded DSOs.

Other skins should be supported aswell, aslong as libcobalt is loaded (or more 
specific, the code looks for a symbol "cobalt_assert_nrt").

Kind regards,

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