Hi Group,

i now tried the first time the new (since Xerces 2.4.0 i think) XPath
Interface. But with no big success :-(. I can't find a sample or figure
out what i'm doing wrong. So i kindly ask for your help. Other Xerces
DOM stuff works like charm (i parse this XML-Document and change some
elements/attributes a.s.o.). I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and
Xerces 2.4.0. Windows-binaries package from xml.apache site.

The Problem:

I have to get some (selected, wide spread over the whole XML-File)
attribute-values from within a bigger XML file. So i think a XPath is
the best for that, isn't it? I wrote a little Testsnippet to try it out.
Here is what i've done so far:

    // Note: X() is a macro for transcoding char to XMLChar
    //       X2C() is the reverse macro for transcoding XMLChar to Char

    DOMImplementation *impl;
    DOMXPathResult *xpres;
    DOMBuilder *builder;
    DOMDocument *doc;
    DOMXPathEvaluator *xpeval;
    char tmpbuf[1024];

    // Initialize XERCES DOM
    impl = dom_Init();

    builder = ((DOMImplementationLS*) impl)->
createDOMBuilder(DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0);

    doc = builder->parseURI(X("./testdata/test_105.xml"));
    xpeval = (DOMXPathEvaluator *) doc;

        xpres = (DOMXPathResult *)
                 NULL, DOMXPathResult::STRING_TYPE, NULL);
    catch(const DOMXPathException& xp)
        sprintf(tmpbuf, "Exception Code: %d", xp.code);
        MessageBox(NULL, tmpbuf, "XPathException", MB_OK);
    catch(const DOMException& de)
        sprintf(tmpbuf, "Exception Code: %d", de.code);
        MessageBox(NULL, tmpbuf, "DOMException", MB_OK);

    sprintf(tmpbuf, "<%s>", X2C(xpres->getStringValue()));
    MessageBox(NULL, tmpbuf, "XPathTest", MB_OK);


The XML-File is like this (only the relevant part):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="sci_arztbrief-2.xsl"?>
<levelone xmlns="urn::hl7-org/cda"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn::hl7-org/cda sciphox-cda.xsd">
                <id RT="#cdh.docid.rt" EX="#cdh.docid.ex"/>
                <set_id RT="#cdh.docsetid.rt" EX="#cdh.docsetid.ex"/>
                <version_nbr V="#cdh.docvers"/>
                ... blah blah blah
        ... blah blah blah

I want to get the Value of the RT Attribute from the ID-Element within
the cdh element. I want to get "#cdh.docid.rt" as the result.

But i only get a DOMException Code 9 (Not supported) which meaning is
either the context node is not valid or the type is not supported by the
DOMXPathEvaluator. I don't understand what this could mean in my case.

Any hint, sample, documentation appreciated. Thanks in Advance very
much. Oh...and by the way...it is a little bit urgent. So if you can
afford time a "asap" answer would help me muuuuuuch.


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