We have used IBM xml4c for validating xml syntax against its dtd and
        validating context format (such as date, email ...) in xml since
        It runs great!

        We have a question now: can we and how can we to get parsed dtd

        For example: we have an element name and an attribute name, can we
and how
        can we to get its value for that attribute name from dtd:


        <!ELEMENT specification (spec.title-block,specification-block) >
        <!ATTLIST specification
         id ID #REQUIRED
         label CDATA #FIXED "[Specification] "
         class CDATA #FIXED "legal-instrument" >

        can we get [Specification](label value) using key word
"specification" (element name)and "label" (attribute name)
        from dtd or get a parsed dtd, like xml (example SAXPrint gives
parsed xml)


        Happy New Year !

        Kotien Wu

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