Look at the DOMPrint sample for an example of how you would do this. We do
not have any magic built in mechanism to do this, because doing so would
require that we hard code some particular type of output text stream, to
which the data would be written. This presents a problem to us because that
assumption is going to screw up somebody's life no matter what we choose.
So, at this time, you just have to use a little bit of your own code to do

There is though, now some preliminary support for DOM Level II stuf in the
latest version. One of the things this includes is the tree walking stuff.
So you can at simplify your effort perhaps by making use of the tree
walking mechanism and just provide the printout callback method that looks
at the type of node being called back with and printing out the contents
(taking into account transcoding as your needs require.)

Dean Roddey
Software Weenie
IBM Center for Java Technology - Silicon Valley

"Jean Georges PERRIN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/05/2000 08:16:04 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Saving ...

[Xerces 1.0.1 / C++ / Win32]

How do I save a modified tree ?

I have created a dom tree with DOMParser, it is working ok, I can count and
navigate through my stuff, but how do I save it back to disk once I have
finished ?


Jean Georges PERRIN
Four J's Development Tools (www.4js.com)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel +33 (0)3 88 18 61 20 - Fax +33 (0)3 88 18 61 21
CAUTION: import com.fourjs.StandardDisclaimer;

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