Ed Draper wrote:
> Hi - I'm new to the XM4C/Xerces code base but I'm eager to hit the floor
> running.
> I have an existing App with existing stream formats (file and TCP/IP)
> defined.
> My first cut at integrating Xerces was by sub-classing DOMParser and
> managing the data conversions from my formats to what DOMParser wants to
> parse and therein lies the trouble.  It's not totally clear from the
> documentation as how this stuff works.  I've sniffed around the headers and
> drilled down into the InputSource class, but my confusion seems to be
> growing deeper and deeper...
> Can someone point me to the docs for some of the lower level Xerces
> infrastructure classes like DOMParser and InputSource?

InputSource is a SAX class - org.xml.sax.InputSource.  DOMParser... you
should check out what it extends and implements.  That's where you will
find the information you want.  Chase it up the inheritance tree to the
W3C classes.

> The html docs only address a fraction of what's going on in the parser...

That HTML docs is for Xerces, which is the implementation... the
questions you have are about the interfaces, defined at a lower level
(SAX and DOM).


> If I'm barking up the wrong tree with this DOMParser subclass, let me know.
> I'm certainly not married to the idea of using it.
> My needs are strait forward:
> I want to pass in a byte stream of XML data and receive a DOM_Document in
> return.
> Now, how do I get there?

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