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Le 28/12/2010 21:03, Peter Dyballa a écrit :
> Am 28.12.2010 um 19:44 schrieb François Patte:
>> Multiply 5 by 7: $7\times 5 = 35$
> With XeTeX and fontspec loaded you also load xunicode. So you can write
> as well:
>     Multiply 5 by 7: 7 \texttimes{} 5 = 35
>     Multiply 5 by 7: 7 × 5 = 35
> I see another problem here: Is 5 multiplied by 7 always equal to 7 × 5?

Yes, always... But you are right to point the logical problem. In fact I
have written things like this only to put the two 7 side by side. The
real problem is this one (description of an algorithm...):

  \multicolumn{2}{|c||}{1\textsuperscript{st} step} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{2}{||c|}{2\textsuperscript{nd}
  \rule{0pt}{15pt}1 & & 1 & $1\times 35 + 5 =$ & 40\\
  7 & $7\times 5 + 0 =$ & 35 & & 35\\
  5 & & 5 & & \\
  0 & & & &

I could have used array instead of longtable but, it is not handy to
write "normal text" within the mathematical mode and I need to mix both...

Ross has pointed the problem of spacing and shape of mathematical symbol
(and some oher ones..): indeed \texttimes is not the same as $\times$
for instance.

I was wondering if there would be some fonts feature like:
[Numbers=OldStyle], one could imagine: [Numbers=MathNumbers]

You have a lot of similar options if you use kpfonts. Unfortunately,
these kpfonts do not work with xelatex and I need xelatex, to have
Sanskrit texts (which I mix in my article) hyphenated... I don't know
how to adapt the   gloss-sanskrit.ldf file for a use with babel.

Thanks for all these answers.


- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 4286 2145
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