Am Wed, 29 Dec 2010 12:58:28 +0000 schrieb Jonathan Kew:

>> In my miktex 2.9. I have two version of asana-math:
>> J:/MiKTeX2.9/fonts/truetype/public/asana-math/Asana-Math.ttf.ignore
>> and
>> J:/MiKTeX2.9/fonts/opentype/public/asana-math/Asana-Math.otf
>> Now in the following example xetex uses the .ttf.ignore while
>> xdvipdfmx later uses the .otf which leads to a faulty pdf (a and
>> alpha are replaced by b and beta).
>> Obviously the point of the .ignore is that xetex ignores this font,
>> so I'm wondering why it doesn't work as wanted. 
> fontconfig recognizes font files as such based on their content
> (according to whether Freetype can handle them, actually), not
> their filename.

So the naming is actually senseless and it would be better if the
file wheren't installed at all or in a folder which isn't searched
(e.g. fonts/truetype.ignored/...). 

Is the ttf also in texlive in a similar folder or is this is a
miktex specific solution? 

Ulrike Fischer 

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