Am Sun, 20 Feb 2011 22:34:14 -0500 schrieb Mike Maxwell:

> On 2/19/2011 12:13 AM, I wrote:
>> In a grammar we're writing, the transcription of a word "xowunʣāy" gets
>> hyphenated immediately after the 'x'. I thought I could prevent this by
> After a great deal of pulling of hair, I think I've found what's 
> happening.  I'm recording it here in case it helps anyone (and because 
> one aspect of it seems a bit odd, possibly buggy--although it's beyond 
> my competence to decide that).

> I'm attaching a minimal example after my signature.  

 > What seems odd to me about this (and possibly indicative of a bug) is 
> that the \hyphenate{/xowun/} command only seems to need the slashes 
> around "xowun" if I load the 'listings' package; indeed, without the 
> 'listings' package the command \hyphenate{/xowun/} results in an error 
> msg ("Not a letter", referring to the slash).  Why should the 'listings' 
> package affect how the "/" character is treated by the \hyphenate command?

listings changes the \lccode of certain chars (including the slash,
which has lccode 47 with listings) and TeX now things the slash is a

This problematic behaviour has been discussed a year ago
most importantly see the last posting of Dan Luecking), but I don't
know if someone notified the current maintainer Brooks Moses. 

You can reset the \lccode, then the wrong hyphenation disappears. I
don't know if this will give trouble with listings, but you can
always reset it again to another value.


%First para: /xowun/ is erroneously hyphenated:
A suffix: Now is time for good suffixes to come
Applies to nouns.  /xowun/

%Second para: /xowun/ is correctly not hyphenated:
A suffix: Now is time for good suffixes to come
Applies to nouns.  /xowun/


> I'm also unsure why the 'bibtopic' package needs to be loaded (without 
> the 'bibtopic', I get a "Missing \begin{document}" error msg).  

I don't get the message. Did you deleted the aux-file in your tests?

Ulrike Fischer 

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