Le 31/10/2011 19:47, Alessandro Ceschini a écrit :

My problem is kind of complicated:

1. After processing a XeLaTeX source file the yellow lines the cross-reference between pdf and source file and vice versa is completely broken. 2. This happens after I updated to Ubuntu 11.10, TexLive 2011 and texWorks 0.5, previously I was using Ubuntu 11.04, TexLive 2010 and texWorks something before 0.5. 3. I don't know if this has something to do with that, but I also get fake fontspec errors, I mean I don't see any problem in the output, even though, according to the output panel, there should be some.

At first I thought this had something to do with TeXWorks: http://code.google.com/p/texworks/issues/detail?id=550#makechanges but then they told me the SyncTeX code is to be blamed for that.


/Alessandro Ceschini/


So, am I the only one down here to have experienced problems with TeXLive and XeLaTeX after having updated to TexLive 2011?


/Alessandro Ceschini/

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