Am 29.07.2012 um 13:41 schrieb Alan Hoenig:

> \def\testfonti{STKaiti}% a `large' font; 32493 characters
> \def\testfontii{Kaiti SC Bold}% a `small' font; 8535 characters

To me, not having Mac OS X 10.8, it looks as if the "small" font is a Small 
Caps font. It can't have an Unicode encoding. To use these small glyphs you 
would have to activate font features that select the small caps in bold face 
from the font (family).

Second thought: You're not using that font, but you are loading something 
belonging to the same font family. This could cause the trouble. How does it 
work when you comment the \def\testfontii and \font\2 lines?

How many STKaiti font files do you have? Are any duplicates shown in Font Book? 
If there are they can cause trouble.

And particularly you are using an old version of XeTeX. Presumingly 2008 and 
self-compiled ("XeTeXk"). There have been a few and necessary updates to xetex 
and xdvipdfmx in the last four years, a whole Olympiad.

I recommend to install a recent version of TeX Live. After having performed 
your tests you can switch back to your old and active TeX installation.



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