
To me it seems that some problems with XeTeX come from using inappropriate 
fonts, fonts which don't have the glyphs needed, don't support a particular 
script or the language which will be used with the particular script to typeset 
the text. Partly it's the fault of the users not exploring the fonts in depth. 
I also think that demanding this preparatory work from the XeTeX user can be 
too much.

Why not implementing this check, whether the font will work for the purpose 
intended, into XeTeX? Not as a regular step in preparing the output – this 
would take too much time and every time – but as an option that only outputs a 
judgement on the font. A verbose option would then make XeTeX report 
deficiencies of the font and, maybe, recommend another font(s).

I think a set of empirical rules, heuristics, would suffice: checking the 
presence of necessary features and tables, emitting a warning when a ligature 
is missing…

Could this be an useful enhancement?



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