Hi Khaled,

On 18/06/2014, at 14:04, Khaled Hosny <khaledho...@eglug.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:53:40AM +1000, Ross Moore wrote:
>> It seems that one cannot break up the processing any more,
>> or at least not in the simple-minded way.
>> Would one of the developers please explain how to do this 
>> kind of testing now.
> So called “native” fonts (AKA non-TFM fonts) are now stored in the XDV
> files using their full path not font name, so you can’t process XDV
> files using such fonts uless you have fonts in the exact same location
> (but whether this relates to the error you are seeing or not, I don’t
> no).

Yes, I discovered this.
First, to get XeTeX to work, I had to load various TeX fonts to become system 
I did this by 
 1. making symbolic links from a subdirectory of /Library/Fonts  (on a Mac) to 
appropriate directories in the  texmf-dist/fonts/otf/  hierarchy;
 2. opening  FontBook.app   and choosing to load more fonts.

This was done on both systems, so the paths to the font names should indeed be 
the same...

  ...except that my account names are different on the 2 machines.
Symbolic links are again your friend here. I made symlinks in  /Users  so that 
the name used on one system becomes valid also on the other.

With these symlinks in place, XeTeX worked just fine to create the .xdv  files,
and  xdvipdfmx  no longer complained about not finding fonts by the full path 
in an .xdv file created on the other system. 
However, it does barf with the TFM error that I stated in the previous email.

That error occurs also when I split the job on the same system;
that is,
     xelatex -no-pdf  testfile.tex
     xdvipdfmx testfile.xdv

but all is fine with   xelatex testfile.tex  
so there must be some extra information that is being used when  xdvipdfmx  is 
called automatically. Any idea on what this could be? or how to run some 
tracing of the xdv processing?

My next step will be to install both TeXLive versions on one of the machines, 
and create TeXShop engine scripts to be able to easily choose which one to use.

> Regards,
> Khaled



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