Hi Phil.

On Jul 15, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Philip Taylor 
<p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk<mailto:p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk>> wrote:

 I am intrigued to know why a package intended to support colour would want to 
set page size, though, and wonder from where it gets its information regarding 
the intended page size,

One of my messages answered this.
It is so that  \setpagecolor  can work correctly.
A coloured rectangle is drawn, at the size of the full page.
 \shipout  is patched to do it on every page.

since by the time that package {color} is loaded I have set all possible page 
dimensions to my intended size (B5, in this case).

Try  \pagecolor{yellow}  or somesuch.

** Phil.
<Mail Attachment.jpeg>
Philip Taylor


Dr Ross Moore

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