2016-07-22 20:05 GMT+02:00 maxwell <maxw...@umiacs.umd.edu>:
> On 2016-07-22 13:29, maxwell wrote:
>> The new version of Adobe Acrobat (which I have the misfortune to be
>> using at my office) is outputting a warning where we didn't used to
>> get a warning.  Namely, it complains about one particular font in our
>> PDFs. The warning is:
>>    Cannot extract the embedded font 'LOFCAW+DejaVuSansCondensed.
>>    Some characters may not display or print correctly.
>> In fact it displays unaccented characters correctly, but leaves a
>> blank where "accented" characters should appear (à, ö etc.).
> Well, cancel this: I downloaded the newer version of this font, and it seems
> to work fine.  (I had been using v2.30, I now have 2.36.)  Sorry for the
> noise.
> Moral of the story: upgrade fonts before complaining.
I had an opposite experience a few years ago. It was necessary to
downgrade the DejaVu fonts in order to make them work properly with
XeTeX. I do not remember the number of the broken version.

>    Mike Maxwell
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Zdeněk Wagner

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