I think that the "Typeset by the bidi package" message is much too modest. It should read something along the lines "Typeset by the bidi package developed by Vafa Khalighi for over 12 years without any funding or donations." In fact I think that every class/package used in a document should typeset similar wording about itself and its provenance on the top of the first page of any (All)TeX document. Many classes and packages have been developed over many more than 12 years, particularly TeX and LaTeX.

Peter W.

On 26/01/18 07:47, David Carlisle wrote:
Getting the timing right with passing this option to bidi via polyglossia is a bit tricky see


the bidi author gives some justification for this here


but to be honest I think that this is a really bad default, and polyglossia probably should disable this while loading bidi rather than rely on the user to find an undocumented option in an internally loaded package.


On 26 January 2018 at 02:50, Bruno Le Floch <blfla...@gmail.com <mailto:blfla...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hello Kamal,

    On 01/25/2018 09:10 PM, Kamal Abdali wrote:
    > My xelatex-processed document has this message on the title page
    of the
    > document: *"Typeset by the bidi package."*
    > *​* ​
    > I understand that bidi is being called by polyglossia which I am using.
    > I hadn't
    > ​seen ​
    > such a message before. Is there a way to avoid
    > ​getting ​
    > this message?
    > Kamal Abdali

    After loading the polyglossia package (but before selecting a language
    that reads right-to-left) try adding


    Strangely the default is logo=on and the option is not documented.


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