I posted a question on tex.stackexchange.com, let us see if somebody can give 
us more input:


> Le 25 mars 2021 à 17:30, Bruno Le Floch <blfla...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Check \the\catcode"200D perhaps, it does not seem to be set in your example
> document.  Note that the LaTeX format might reset that catcode.
> The other mystery is why Arabic words seem to only be hyphenated once.
> On 3/25/21 5:17 PM, Yannis Haralambous wrote:
>> Well it is neither polyglossia nor fontspec, because I have ran the 
>> following file:
>> \documentclass{article}
>> \textwidth1mm
>> \begin{document}
>> \font\arabicfont="[./Amiri-Regular.ttf]"
>> \lefthyphenmin1
>> \righthyphenmin1
>> \makeatletter\language\l@arabic
>> \arabicfont
>> ^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643
>> ^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643^^^^200d^^^^200d^^^^0643
>> ^^^^0643^^^^0643^^^^0643^^^^0643^^^^0643
>> ^^^^0643^^^^0643^^^^0643^^^^0643^^^^0643
>> \end{document}
>> and still get that odd behavior: between ^^^^0643 I get flawless hyphenation 
>> but
>> not between ^^^^200d
>> My patterns are \patterns{^^^^0643^^^^200d1^^^^200d^^^^0643
>> ^^^^06431^^^^0643
>> ^^^^200d1^^^^200d
>> }
>> I'm attaching my xelatex.log file, do you see any file that can have affected
>> the behavior of ^^^^200d?
>>> Le 25 mars 2021 à 12:55, Jonathan Kew <jfkth...@gmail.com
>>> <mailto:jfkth...@gmail.com <mailto:jfkth...@gmail.com>>> a écrit :
>>> On 25/03/2021 11:37, Yannis Haralambous wrote:
>>>> OK, this may be a bug, but it doesn't explain why in polyglossia+fontspec I
>>>> get no hyphenation at all. I should get at least one hyphenation in each
>>>> word, no?
>>> My guess is that polyglossia (or something else in latex?) thinks it knows
>>> best how to handle U+200D and is getting in your way.
>> IMT Atlantique <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr 
>> <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr/>>        
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>> UMR CNRS 6285 Lab-STICC
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>> Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818
>> 29238 Brest Cedex 3, France
>> Une école de l'IMT <http://www.imt.fr <http://www.imt.fr/>>
>> /Pour le spectateur — et particulièrement pour l'historien de la peinture —
>> distinguer les couleurs mates des couleurs brillantes est indispensable.
>> Or comment repérer, simplement repérer, les couleurs mates sur l'écran d'un
>> ordinateur?/     (Michel Pastoureau)

 <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr/>        Yannis HARALAMBOUS
Computer Science Department
 Brest-Iroise CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3, France
Une école de l'IMT <http://www.imt.fr/>
Ceux qui négligent de relire s'obligent à lire partout la même histoire.     
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